Summer Job! Earning the monetary resource I need!

Summer Job
It is summer time now about 3 months since I started my blog. My goal was to try to find a temp job to build a little seed money to build an ecommerce business. I find myself temping as an EA for a non-profit. Everyone is really nice. I’ve been here about almost 6 weeks. It’s going smoothly so far. I’ve calculated that if I save all of my money at this project in 14 weeks, I will earn $7000 after taxes. The job like all jobs has it’s challenges, but I’m going to do my best to do a great job. Maybe I can return to fill other positions temporarily. It would be great to establish another non-profit relationships in the neighborhood.

The Battle
With the schizophrenia, the job is a bit difficult to do well, but I think I can keep my head down for three months and plow through. I realize most people don’t understand what is so difficult about holding down a job. The schizophrenia make concentration very difficult to do. I can hide the oddball thoughts for the most part, but not completely. The worst part is the meds make me fall asleep during the day. I think I caught myself drowsing off at lunch. I hope I don’t get hysterical or anything crazy for lack of sleep. There is a really good reason I am disabled it’s because I can’t function normally. I spend my days keeping quiet. Today is payday so I thought it would be a great day to blog about my experience so far.

My Son
I think my son will have to start a business and pay me a part time wage. I think it’s the only way I can hold down a job for the future. Having a relative for a boss pays off when you need understanding with a mental illness. It’s the only way we are going to survive.

Food Blog
My food blog has hit a snag. Honestly, I need the light fixtures in my kitchen fixed. I can’t take a decent picture in my kitchen due to poor lighting. The landlord said he was working on that. My son and I also need a day of organizing the kitchen. It is the best thing I can do to keep the cooking stride fun and experimental. I’m going to try a new recipe this weekend just to stretch my skills.

E-commerce Product
I am still trying to discover a good fit for my e-commerce business. I think I need a trip to the mall to look around at all the products I could quite possibly sell. It is fun to try to think of a good store idea. I’ve gone through a few ideas, but I’m not quite settled. I think I’m just going to pick something I like and run with it. I’m not sure how much research is done for the niche I’m thinking about. I’m sure I can buy all kinds of numbers but how do you act on these things. How do you make intelligent decisions?

Failure is a Key to Success
I rode in an Uber about 2 weeks ago and my discussion with the people in the car was great. I found out that the only thing all entrepreneurs had in common was a failure. I have tried different things that have not worked out, so I’m wondering if it is trial and error trying to figure out a business is the most important element in success. I need to be more open about embracing the opportunity to fail. It’s truly the only way that you learn. You need to feel the fear. Acknowledge it and still make the choice to move forward.

Open Networks
I read a lot of motivational articles. They all mention many traits. Having open networks was one of the most important factors in success. I should make sure when I start my business that I continue to network with different people. That is a really fun part of entrepreneurship. The people I meet are incredible. I miss the mentor I had at Score. He was so smart. I know I can always go to WBDC to talk to one of the counselors there. Whew, I’ll be back at the entrepreneur thing soon! Just a few more weeks to raise funds for my entrepreneurial venture. The excitement is thrilling. I am counting down the days to start my new business. I’m also joining the WESOS group eventually. I want to network with IHCC and Little Village Chamber of Commerce just to make sure I keep meeting the people to motivate me to succeed.

I’m also going to start exploring the Amazon route for building a store. I have one lead from JohnnyFD on what program works. I need to keep learning. I feel like the past two months as my hunt for a temp project grew longer, I stopped learning. I need to get back to learning something new every day. Just to be clear, I just want to learn. I think this is an important topic to learn about because everyone I talk to about my e-commerce business mentions buying everything from Amazon. I don’t want to be chasing different business models, but I know it’s a clear sign that I should find out about it.

I am going to share a brief excerpt of what I learn every day in a weekly blog. They could be big things or small things. I am not sure how to structure my blog but I think I can list the days of the week and then write a brief summary of what I learned some days will be long some days will be just one sentence and to be continued.

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